Windows 11 drivers if necessary

Recommend anyone running 11 install these regardless of whether you're having issues. I had to do a system restore after an update got pushed that disabled communication with PL a few months ago. That update and several more have been pushed since last month (I wasn't concerned because I haven't needed PL due to a trans issue). I installed these drivers yesterday and PL connects successfully regardless of the updates. Now I just need to get the trans issue fixed. I wish that cost as much as downloading and installing some drivers! ;o)

Thanks, Eric!


Sometimes Windows 11 doesn't have the necessary drivers to communicate with the Powerlogger.

Here is a link to download the current drivers:

When you click it, it will normally download into your "Downloads" folder. Run the setup program inside, and you should be good.
ok seriously don't know what to do with it when its downloaded in the download folder.
What powerlogger folder or file extension do i drop it into?


Staff member
You can leave it in the download folder. Extract the file (since its a compressed file). Then run the setup program inside.